Other News


What UDP And Jotna Movement Have In Common

By Abdoulie John A United Democratic Party (UDP) stalwart has cleared air over alleged communication vessels reportedly existing between his political party and Three Years Jotna movement. “The UDP’s official position is for Barrow to honour the three-year agreement he had with everybody. What is Three Years Jotna’s position? It […]


EU Supports Gambia’s Budget

The EU disburses 22 million Euros of Budget Support to the National Treasury of The Gambia EU Budget Support and Technical Assistance contribute to macro-economic stability, economic governance and support the implementation of the National Development Plan as well as ongoing political and legislative reforms required to consolidate democracy and […]


Regarding the Draft Constitution, Part V

By Foday Samateh On the System of  Local Government, the draft Constitution in Section 202 (1) states: “A local government shall be based on a council which shall be the highest political authority, for local governance, within its area of jurisdiction and which shall have legislative and executive powers to be […]


‘Secularism Is A Real Time Bomb’

By Abdoulie John As consultations on the first draft Constitution are winding down, The Gambia Supreme Islamic Council (GSIC) on Tuesday reaffirmed its vehement opposition to inserting the word “Secular” in the country’s law, with one cleric describing Secularism as “a real time bomb.” “If it is inserted against the […]


What Makes Gambia Good Champion

Reed Brody is counsel with Human Rights Watch and a member of the International Commission of Jurists. He is known to Gambians for his work with the victims of ex-president Yahya Jammeh and his role in the campaign to bring to justice in Senegal the former dictator of Chad Hissène […]


TYJ Gives President Barrow Ultimatum

By Abdoulie John A mammoth crowd of protesters marched on Monday from Sting Corner to Denton Bridge calling on Gambian President Adama Barrow to honour his Coalition 2016 promise to serve 3 years in office. Under the banner of Three Years Jotna (TYJ), demonstrators expressed opposition on the Gambian leader’s […]


Medicine Control Agency Wins NQA

By Madi S. Njie Prestige Security Company were awarded winners of the National Quality Award 2019, level 1 (Bronze). Unique Solutions 2017 level 1 winners took Level 2  (Silver); the University of The Gambia – level 3 (Gold) and Medicine Control Agency took Level 4(Diamond). The Gambia’s Finance Minister who deputised […]


Gambia Bans Public Smoking

By Madi S. Njie At least two months into the Enforcement of the Tobacco Control Act 2019, The Gambia government has designated all public places as non-smoking environment. Deputising for the Minister of Health during World Tobacco Day 2019, the Director of Health Promotion at the Ministry of Health and […]


Phantom Firms Haunt Gambia

By OCCRP Hundreds of companies and banks owned by people across the world bear the impressive-sounding address of One Enterprise Way, Business Enterprise Zone, Banjul. Read more: https://www.occrp.org/en/29leaks/phantom-firms-haunt-gambia


Fancy Gambian Paper 

How Formations House, working through a smooth-talking salesman, sold Gambia a fake bill of goods. By OCCRP Ever wanted to buy your own private offshore bank? Then Michael Maurice O’Mara de la Fuente has a deal for you. Read more: https://www.occrp.org/en/29leaks/fancy-gambian-paper


Jammeh’s Victims Ready For Overseas Treatment

By Abdoulie John Four victims of the Jammeh regime’s gross human rights violations will be flown to Turkey for medical treatment. The Truth, Reconciliation and Reparations Commission (TRRC) and generous sponsors have made it possible for those who have been living with unbearable pain to get proper medical attention. Abdou […]