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What President Told Muslim Elders

In honour of the Eid-ul-Fitr feast, Gambian President last night hosted Muslim leaders at State House. Unlike his predecessor who never chose his words, President Adama Barrow’s respectful speech was loaded with parables. He recognised the crucial role religious leaders play especially with regard to shepherding their flock. President Barrow […]


The Epiphany Of New Gambia

We can agree that most pundits would say it was one of the greatest week for the Barrow administration. A week that saw the official commissioning of the ferry Kunta Kinteh where President Barrow gave a big, thoughtful speech about serious things juxtaposed with his cool and collected personality, which […]

News Religion

Eid Goes Beyond Remembering Allah

Gambian President  has said that Eid-ul-Fitr feast goes beyond remembering Allah. In his Eid message, published below, President Adama Barrow said: “Eid-ul-Fitr is not only about remembering Allah and offering gratitude to him but it is also a day we are reminded of our religious duty of sharing and caring […]


President Barrow’s Real Headache

By Benny Gudo When the coalition government led by property mogul, Adam Barrow, came into effect in a post-Jammeh, a mammoth task of steering the economy as well as the social and political fabrics of Gambia towards the right trajectory was in the waiting room. Many wanted to see whether […]


UTG Alum Steals The Show in Turkey

By Sangkalang Marong The institution’s management may have been embroiled in some administrative bickering but the students of the University of The Gambia (UTG) continue to excel in different areas of professional and academic areas around the world. One of the university’s alumni has stolen the show in  Turkey where […]


Minister Explains Observer Closure

The Gambia’s Minister of Information, Communication and Infrastructure, Demba Jawo, has issued a statement, explaining that the closure of the Daily Observer has nothing to do with the paper’s editorial policy. Rather, he said, the development resulted from the company’s failure to pay over D17 million tax arrears that it is […]


Observer Closure Impairs Press Freedom

The Gambia Press Union has described the temporary closure of the Daily Observer as “regrettable” because it “impairs freedom of expression.” The Union’s reaction to the Gambia  Revenue’s closure for accumulated tax arrears of over 17 million dalasis is published below. The Gambia Press Union (GPU) is deeply concerned about […]


Serial Fatal Rapist In Custody; Gambians Breathing Peace

Police in Fajikunda have in custody a confessed serial fatal rapist. The arrest and subsequent detention of Essa Jarjue is helping the police reach to the bottom of fatal rape and burglary cases in Serekunda and Kombo North areas. Before his Friday’s arrest, police launched investigation on the mysterious deaths […]


Observer Closure: GRA Remains Defiant

By Abdoulie John Frantic efforts by the Gambia Press Union to unseal the offices of the Observer Media Company, publisher of the Daily Observer newspaper, bore no fruit. A meeting involving the GPU and Gambia Revenue Authority (GRA) officials ended without a breakthrough. “We couldn’t agree on anything with Gambia […]