

How To Win Our Uphill Battle

Recently, I issued out a statement on social media, which we have grown accustomed to, and which is now seemingly an integral part of “this struggle”. We now seem to be more inter-connected to the social media than we are connected to one another. Anyway, find below the statement: Not […]


Police Told Journalist To Stop Reporting

  By Mustapha Jallow Sanna Camara, a senior Journalist with the Standard Newspaper in Bakau, who was reporting on bail at the police headquarters in Banjul since June 30, has now been asked to stop reporting until they need him again. Camara, who was arrested on Friday, June 27th 2014, […]


Jammeh Is A Prisoner By Default

The man who holds every Gambian hostage has been reduced to “a prisoner by default” in the United States capital Washington D.C. President Yahya Jammeh was the only African leader whose citizens embarrassed him with angry protests. The protesters became so noisy and adamant that dictator Jammeh chose to stay […]


Twenty Years After…

Understanding and Fighting the Dictator and Dictatorship in the Gambia Introduction A cursory study of dictators and dictatorships around the world shows that whether in the past or the present, they survive on one common thing, and that is the obedience of the people. As long as the people of […]