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GUINEA BISSAU The 2019 Election

THE 2019 (DEMOCRATIC) ELECTION Elections took place in Guinea Bissau in November 2019. In January 2020 the United Nations confirms “UN envoy commends successful conclusion of Guinea-Bissau presidential election”. UN envoy was Mohamed Ibn Chambas, in 2020 the Head of the UN Office for West Africa and the Sahel (UNOWAS), […]


‘The Gambia Belongs To All Of Us’

By Abdoulie John As The Gambia commemorates 55 years of independence from British colonial rule on Tuesday, the West African country’s leader reiterated his call for unity. President Adama Barrow rejected the idea that the country belongs to a political party or a political ideology, insisting that Gambia belongs to […]


President Barrow’s Independence Speech

The Gambia clocks fifty-five years today as an Independent Sovereign State responsible for managing its affairs without any external interference. Celebrating the anniversary of this historic event should trigger thoughts to guide us redefine our individual roles as citizens of this nation in order to situate and reposition our motherland […]


The Gambia Beyond TRRC

By: Dr Alhagi Manta Drammeh (Fellow Higher Education Academy and Royal Society of Arts) Professor in Islamic Studies at Al-Maktoum College of Higher Education, UK The Gambia has been seriously wounded over the 22 years of tyranny and dictatorship. The damage has been political, economic, social and religious. This is […]


President Barrow Conferred Highest Gambia Honour

By Abdoulie John  Vice-President Dr. Isatou Touray conferred the insignia Grand Master of the Republic of The Gambia (GMRG) on President Adama Barrow in a Monday ceremony held at State House, Banjul. “The insignia GMRG comes with the Office of the Presidency,” explained Pateh Jah, Permanent Secretary at the Office […]


GPU VP Decries Media Mistreatment

By Abdoulie John The Gambia Press Union (GPU) second-in-command, Mustapha K. Darboe, has decried the ongoing deterioration of relationship between the media and gov’t. He said taking a hard line on the media has the potential of attracting bad publicity for government. “This has attracted a lot negative international attention […]


Barrow Wants Sworn Officials To Be Honest

His Excellency, President Adama Barrow has called on newly-sworn public officers to be righteous, honest and trustworthy in the execution of their duties as public officers. He made this call while presiding over the swearing-in ceremony of a high court judge and two members of the Public Service Commission at […]


Barrow Presides Over Third Cabinet Session

His Excellency, President Adama Barrow yesterday presided over the Third Cabinet Session of 2020.   The session deliberated on various matters and adopted series of Cabinet Papers, including The Gambia Maritime Administration (GMA) Fees and Charges Regulation 2020 and the levy of 1.5% on freight charged on ship owners for […]


‘Gambia Should Learn From Nigeria’s Success’

His Excellency, President Adama Barrow has said that The Gambia should learn from Nigeria’s success in transitioning from military rule to a vibrant democracy through building of strong institutions and depoliticising the military. The President made these remarks at the State House on Monday, when participants from Course 28 at […]


Counsels Battle Over Jotna Leaders’ Bail

By Abdoulie John In the Jotna movement 8 trial, defense lawyers on Tuesday went head to head with state prosecutors over the bail application. Tuesday’s marathon hearing was punctuated by submissions from both the prosecution and defense, arguing on whether to grant bail to the accused persons. As the prosecution […]