Author: Kairo News


Gambia’s Deep Rooted Political Problems

The Gambia Democratic Governance? Political problems of Gambia are numerous and many are deep rooted. These problems ranged from who we are as a people to the creation of modern nation states from colonialism to present individual (and/or collective) endeavors to improve livelihoods, and as well many in-between factors. Undoubtedly, […]


The Gambia’s Continued Progress in Advancing Fiscal Transparency

On June 15, 2020, the United States Department of State released the 2020 Fiscal Transparency Report, which assessed that The Gambia made significant progress in its continuing efforts at government fiscal reform.  The Department’s fiscal transparency review process assesses whether governments meet minimum requirements of fiscal transparency.  For the purpose […]


Language Enhances the Dynamic Spirit of Society

By Ebrima Kamara In these times of transition, no stone should be left unturned if beneath it could lie the key to our salvation. Language as an analytical perspective heightens the dynamic spirit of society while the notions of tribe and ethnicity reinforce division and construes society as static/primitive. Therefore, the […]


Departure of Gambia Attorney General

Statement by Reed Brody of Human Rights Watch on the resignation of Gambia Minister of Justice Abubacarr Tambadou to become Registrar of the International Residual Mechanism for Criminal Tribunals: Abubacarr Tambadou was the right man at the right time  for Gambia’s democratic transition. Tambadou was the architect of Gambia’s far-reaching transitional […]